Insightful Ramblings

All opinion-based blogs.

  • Why I like Tony Kakkar
    Blog,  Celebrity Central,  Insightful Ramblings


    Yes, I like Tony Kakkar and his songs. (Surprise.) Come on! Don’t tell me that you have not grooved on the likes of “Coca-Cola” and “Dheeme Dheeme” at some party, birthday, or something. Don’t tell me that you have not vibed on “Oh Humsafar” and “Mile Ho Tum Humko.” Yes, you have. I know that. Now, why am I telling you this, to prove a point? Maybe maybe not. If you dig deep into the history of music, you’ll get to know that nothing, apparently. I mean no one knows who invented or discovered music. No one knows exactly when and how it originated. So, my point here is that…

  • Blog,  Insightful Ramblings

    Letters are a Forgotten Tool of Communication.

    Letters Are a Forgotten Tool of Communication. *Dear Readers, thank you for your patience in reading my article and for sacrificing a few minutes of your life that you could have used to do something more productive such as watching political debates on tv or scrolling mindlessly on Instagram to find that perfect “Ptli Kamariya Girl”   However, today after approximately a year of not writing any articles or posting anything on the page. I have finally awakened from my writer’s block hibernation phase and chosen a lovely topic to discuss with you readers on this page. The topic is obvious as the title suggests. We don’t use letters as a…

  • Most Common Stereotypes about India. Lafictioner
    Blog,  Celebrity Central,  Insightful Ramblings

    Most Common Stereotypes about India.

    If you are residing in a foreign land or have met a foreigner, I am sure you might have heard a few stereotypes about India. From Indian culture, Indian food, Indian language and Indian people, stereotypes surround India from the western perspective. Some of the common stereotypes about India are –  Indians can’t Communicate in English. The western POV always assume Indians are weak at English. But this is not entirely true. A majority of the Indian literate population can communicate in English. Not only that, even the people who couldn’t afford proper education have now improved their language skills, especially in English. Even though few cannot converse fluently, they…

  • Being Cool on Social Media. Lafictioner
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings

    Being Cool on Social Media

    The notion of being cool on social media is not something unfamiliar to us. Every person assumes that Every post, every reel, every TikTok and every video we see on social media is to look cool. You might also observe that we record only happy events on social media feeds. Adventurous trips, moments with family and funny pranks with friends are all we see on the platforms. But does it mean that they are genuinely as happy as their feeds seem? Does it mean they have found the cure to escape the loneliness or sadness in their lives? Well, people like to think so. And not only that, we are…

  • The Other Side of Social Media. Lafictioner
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings

    The Other Side of Social Media.

    Duality is the condition of having two distinct inverse ideas of something. They are frequently used to depict a numerical hypothesis, a property in material science, or perhaps an individual. To examine the duality of virtual entertainment, first, how about we start by grasping the idea of online entertainment. At the point when you find out about online entertainment, you consider locales like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or WhatsApp. Anything we use to impart, team up, express, and cooperate, yet it accomplishes more than that. Web-based entertainment is a type of transmission which permits clients to make online networks and offer data, thoughts, individual perspectives, and other substance. Thus, as it…

  • Higher the Success, Higher the Stress  Lafictioner
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings,  The art of Wisdom

    Higher the Success, Higher the Stress? 

    In a world full of competition and division, every individual craves success. And after you reach a particular milestone, you do not wish to stop there. Because well, yeh dil maange more. So, every person looks for new milestones and achievements to unlock. But as your success rate increases, your stress also increases.  As much as people crave success, they also desire stress relief. But it is vital to understand the causes or reasons for stress. It might be excessive workload, loss of interest or burnout. And frequently, stress leads to frustration, depression, poor anger management and health adversities. A few common causes of stress you might be able to…

  • Why depression is a trend. Lafictioner
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings,  The art of Wisdom

    Why Depression is a trend?

    Trigger Warning: Depression, suicide If you or someone you know are suffering from depression, please reach out to someone you can trust, like your friends, family or an affectionate person in your life. For further help, you can also reach out to NIMHANS, 080-46110007, Fortis Stress Helpline, 08376804102, or Parivarthan 7676602602. Your mental health matters. W.H.O states that globally 5% of adults suffer from depression. Recently, one of the most discussed mental health topics is depression. Offline and online. Depression is said to be accountable for rising many other emotional and physical problems. Over the past seven days, there were 287.41k tweets of hashtag depression on Twitter alone. So what…

    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings


    In the 21st century, people’s lives are evolving faster than ever, and people can see, communicate and dive through people’s lives with the accessibility of social media. Social media has blurred the boundaries between people’s nature of being an extrovert and introverts. Social media has become a way of expression where people share their happiness, sorrow, and different moments of their lives they feel they would like the world to see. Social media is a wide range of internet and mobile services that provide various services through which people express, connect, and do multiple activities—many internet services related through social media like blogs, wikis, social networking websites, etc. Social media…

  • Duality of audience. Lafictioner
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings

    Duality of Audience.

    Audiences are a group or a set of people with whom an artist connects. The audience is always present in a public event, television or radio program, music concert, theatre play, film, meeting, or a formal hearing. These people do not have direct participation in any event happening. The audience is observers who note the entire event, enjoy or get entertained by the event. Keep your audience in mind –  Be it an artist, organizer, or individual holding an event or a meeting. They always keep in mind that their work reaches their audience. The audience is the people they take feedback from to improve their work and evaluate themselves.…

  • Duality of Human Nature. Lafictioner
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings,  The art of Wisdom

    Duality of Human Nature.

    Human nature is a concept that indicates human beings’ natural fundamental characteristics and qualities. It includes how one thinks, acts, and feels. The term describes the essence of humankind or what it means to be human. The concept is often controversial due to the independent theories and arguments.  The Dualism of Human Nature Arguments about human nature date back to Greek philosophy and its influence. Aristotle’s teleology became dominant in medieval times. He claims that human nature exists somehow independently of individuals, causing humans to become what they become. Early modernists, including Jean-Jacques Rousseau, have argued against Aristotle, saying that “we do not know what our nature permits us to…

  • Duality of Social Media. Lafictioner.
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings

    Duality of Social Media.

    Duality is the state of having two different opposite concepts of something. They are often used to describe a mathematical theorem, a property in physics, or maybe a person. To discuss the duality of social media, first, let’s begin by understanding the concept of social media.  When you hear about social media, you think of sites like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or WhatsApp. Anything we use to communicate, collaborate, express, and interact, but it does more than that. Social media is a form of transmission which allows users to create online communities and share information, ideas, personal views, and other content. So, in a way, you can say that this article…

  • Couples My Love
    Blog,  Celebrity Central,  Insightful Ramblings

    My ‘Love’ Do you know if you are in love?

    Do you have someone you love till eternity? Do you know if it is true and pure? Many people in our life come and go. A few others stay. We call them love. Love can build relations and can be found in family, friends, and your soulmate. Love is one thing that defines us; that gives us the courage to go on for miles; that takes in our messy appearance and still thinks of us as beautiful people. Forever knowing the love my parents garnered on us; I thought it was the only thing that lasts till eternity. Little did I know, our parents too met as love birds who…

  • Love need for everyone.
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings,  The art of Wisdom

    Love need of everyone.

    I think humans are the only species who always ” sag” that I need Love, but have you ever thought about animals? Ever been close to an animal? Yeah, they scold they are dangerous when they get angry, but why should we make them angry? Can’t We help them with Love ? Yes, We can, no matter what type of animal they are. Yes because the human can express their Love to anyone, anywhere, anytime but what about animals? Yes, they too express but we don’t understand their expression. There are so many examples but just one is enough. I have been watching that there are lots of people who…

  • Uriko and Sushi
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings

    Voyage to Randomness in Love.

    Can any other justification give a conclusive reason for his actions other than love? Uriko Shihuk, a midfielder who is struggling to get into the college team, has left his match in between to drop Sushi Akate, who is getting late for her examination. Why did he leave his only chance to be in the college team just for Sushi? Well, all these questions are something that demands an explanation but does love need rational explanations? Uriko and Sushi first met each other at a birthday party of a mutual friend. Sushi was having an odd time there because she just came across a bad breakup and joined the party…

  • Teen
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings

    Teens Definition of Life.

    You Are Way Too Young to Worry.  When I was a teen, I felt it was the worst timeline I am stuck in. I used to thrive for freedom, independence morally as well as financially. For me, I was growing rapidly biologically (although I am just 5.4) but had no clue for my future, when most teens were following hobbies, I was a lazy ass wiggling on a couch bingeing Shinchan. My friend circle was no different, however, as per me they were all doing better than me in life. Where 3/4th of my teens went glorious with the 2g internet and playful evenings. I was far away from the…

  • magic-ball
    Blog,  Celebrity Central,  Insightful Ramblings

    Adelaide’ Diary: Day-Three. The Crystal Ball

    If Adelaide had a Crystal Ball, Adelaide sits at her desk, reflecting on the week’s events. She honestly wishes she had a time machine. She wants to go back to Dec 31, 2020, before life began to suck. Before she said yes to things she shouldn’t have. She honestly needs to learn to say no. Simple as that. No! She has lost all but two friends. All her friends have left her. All because she asked for money. Business has been slow, and she wasn’t getting paid when she should have and needed money. But the situation was out of control, got thrown out of almost every FB group she…

  • Moon
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings,  The art of Wisdom

    Complain To The Moon

       COMPLAIN! I’m grown up now,20 is my age all say me an adult, even Mumma Papa agree, I drive with a certified legal license, My day starts with a cup of coffee, and lately at evenings tea is my chief, I adore my heart by aiding the poor, and help the one who don’t need anything rude, Well, I’m not an actor, nor do I work for any play, I don’t even act for the filmfare but, yet acting works, in case I go parties night late; and, even parody assist if mood weren’t gay; Yes, I’m grown up, really, I’m; But yet I don’t understand why don’t the…