• Chocodip's Official Website Screenshot
    Blog,  Celebrity Central

    “Why Chocodip Chocolate is the Perfect Addition to Your Next Event or Party”

    Chocolate is a treat that has been enjoyed by people for centuries. From chocolate bars to chocolate drinks, we consume it all the time. I remember when I was still discovering different flavors, the very first taste I liked was chocolate. From then until now, at the age of 22, I am still a fan of chocolates. My taste has evolved from milk chocolates to dark chocolates. In my quest to find the perfect chocolates to have at my birthday party, I came across Chocodip. Initially, I was skeptical about how a homemade chocolate brand could taste better than the brands available in the market like Dairy Milk and Cadbury’s.…

  • The youth and romanticism in politics of india
    Blog,  The art of Wisdom

    The Youth and Romanticism in Politics of India

    Politics has always been a tool for a romantic outlook. It is an easy way to drive our souls toward a common goal. It ignites the desired motions in the minds of the people and brings them to their side of the political divide. The same romantic lens that brings excitement to politics can also bring trauma to the culture and social revolution of society as a whole. When politicians or political parties are worshiped in a manner that they become beyond criticism. This particular case is called the graveyard of reality and progress in general.  Political figures often speak in impressive rhetoric and paint a picture of a world…

  • Blog,  Insightful Ramblings

    Letters are a Forgotten Tool of Communication.

    Letters Are a Forgotten Tool of Communication. *Dear Readers, thank you for your patience in reading my article and for sacrificing a few minutes of your life that you could have used to do something more productive such as watching political debates on tv or scrolling mindlessly on Instagram to find that perfect “Ptli Kamariya Girl”   However, today after approximately a year of not writing any articles or posting anything on the page. I have finally awakened from my writer’s block hibernation phase and chosen a lovely topic to discuss with you readers on this page. The topic is obvious as the title suggests. We don’t use letters as a…

  • He- a man of silence
    Blog,  Celebrity Central

    He: A Man of Word

    “A personality is said to be a reflection of the thoughts and values we drag along our soul by the mere wind of our surroundings and bitter salting from parenting scars.”  The above definition might be read by a critic as lines from a very depressed source. However, to give you a disclaimer, I can confirm that I am a fairly sarcastic individual who is not depressed at all. It’s just my observation of the tiny universal bubble I lived in.  The fun began when this bubble burst. It was my first year of University and to be fair I opted for a school, A college that I won’t name,…

  • A message from another planet.
    Blog,  The art of Wisdom

    A Message from Another Planet.

    According to Hindu mythology, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”. The statement itself is quite debatable and it’s regularly a state of comparison between the two genders. However, if we are not abusing, comparing, and taking advantage of the other planets, it’s difficult to converse. The distance between both Mars and Venus is huge enough to create complexity in the conversed message. Men might say something and women being the Venusian might understand another thing. So, what can a blogger like me do? Well, I can help the Martians communicate with Venusian. Jai Jio, Good communication is always the key to a healthy relationship, be the relation…

  • Couples My Love
    Blog,  Celebrity Central,  Insightful Ramblings

    My ‘Love’ Do you know if you are in love?

    Do you have someone you love till eternity? Do you know if it is true and pure? Many people in our life come and go. A few others stay. We call them love. Love can build relations and can be found in family, friends, and your soulmate. Love is one thing that defines us; that gives us the courage to go on for miles; that takes in our messy appearance and still thinks of us as beautiful people. Forever knowing the love my parents garnered on us; I thought it was the only thing that lasts till eternity. Little did I know, our parents too met as love birds who…

  • Love need for everyone.
    Blog,  Insightful Ramblings,  The art of Wisdom

    Love need of everyone.

    I think humans are the only species who always ” sag” that I need Love, but have you ever thought about animals? Ever been close to an animal? Yeah, they scold they are dangerous when they get angry, but why should we make them angry? Can’t We help them with Love ? Yes, We can, no matter what type of animal they are. Yes because the human can express their Love to anyone, anywhere, anytime but what about animals? Yes, they too express but we don’t understand their expression. There are so many examples but just one is enough. I have been watching that there are lots of people who…

  • Gender Neutral Society-Are we ready for it ?? bitmoji
    Blog,  The art of Wisdom

    Are we ready for Gender Neutral Society??

    I recently came across a news article that said The Marylebone Cricket Club has changed the terminology of cricket and stated that now batsman will be termed as the batter. They said it’s a step towards gender-neutral cricket. After reading the quoted news I was curious about the term “gender-neutral.” I had a good hour and a half grind over the internet to find about the gender-neutral society and movements around the globe I concluded to finally write this article. Now this is my personal opinion and I do not speak on behalf of anyone, your agreement and disagreement with my thoughts are completely fair, you are free to pin…

  • What is philosophy of Stoicism
    Blog,  The art of Wisdom

    Stoicism “A way of Life”

    Most of us trust fate and we believe whatever we do is a process of something that is predetermined for us. If you in any case lose all your money, wealth, and earnings far away from your hometown in an unknown city, you surely will curse your fate. However, for Zeno of Cyprus, it became the building block for his lifelong endeavors and achievements.  Around 300 BCE, the once affluent merchant lost everything in a shipwreck in Athens. Having lost everything and nothing more to lose or gain he entered a bookshop. There he read about Socrates and his philosophy, as he was influenced by Socrates, he moved with the…

  • Book Recommendation to Help You Get Out of Reading Slump.
    Bibliophile's Paradise,  Blog

    Books to Get Out from a Reading Slump.

    I think the biggest thing I’ve learned over time; I have been super into reading for a long. And a number of times I’ve been in and out of a reading slump. I think the biggest and most important lesson I have learned is that I have to let myself just not read sometimes because you just cannot always be doing something you will get tired of it you will get burned out you will get uninterested for a little while and sometimes you have to just take a few steps away and then let yourself come back to it naturally so that’s my number one biggest tip but if…

  • Girl writing essay
    Bibliophile's Paradise,  Blog,  How to Heaven

    How To Write A Proper Conclusion In An Essay.

    Writing is an art form that demands practice to master. Every piece of writing can be divided into 3 parts, Introduction, Explanation, and conclusion. The perfection in all the 3 parts brings good writing material upfront. Most of us struggle around the conclusion part. We are unable to write a solid conclusion that will make the reader’s thoughts vivid about the concerned topic in the essay. If I have to give a simple yet effective tip on how to write a proper conclusion in an essay, I would state your introduction paragraph in different wording. However, I am quite sure that this tip won’t work for everyone, thus given below…

  • Kiran Desai
    Bibliophile's Paradise,  Blog,  The Decadent Dozen

    4 Must Read Kiran Desai Novel Collection.

                 Kiran belongs to the bloodline of literature, she is the daughter of Novelist Anita Desai. She was born in Delhi. However, she had a taste of diverse cultures as she moved across different geography. She spent her childhood in Pune and Mumbai, and in her early teens, she moved to England then to the United States. Kiran Desai’s novels prove her excellence in creative writing. She is a graduate of Creative Writing at Bennington College, Hollins University.  Given below in the article is the list of the top 4 Kiran Desai Novels.   1. The Inheritance of Loss  Genre: Fiction  First published in 2006,…

  • The origin of modern Indian Poetry
    Bibliophile's Paradise,  Blog

    The Origin Of Modern Indian Poetry.

    We all somehow are growing to be socially admired. And one of this influential growth in the digital world has brought us to a stage where we all love sharing poetry and relatable quotes. If it’s a Gulzar Sahab reel or it’s a Galib Shayari we share it widely on our WhatsApp status and other social media platforms justifying the crisis of our self. But have you ever questioned the origin of modern Indian poetry?    Indian poetry or to be fair let’s say the Indian literature itself has a huge history to account for. We can date back to the Vedic time for the origin of poetry. It was…