
LaFictioner is India’s online platform that provides and publishes your literature content. LaFictioner also conducts the competition in which anyone can take part to see where their writing skills stand and can sharpen their skills by taking part in our webinars, workshops, and internship programs conducted by our professional writing team, we believe in providing content that people wants, not in what we want to provide. The basic aim of LaFictioner is to provide content that is totally different from the mainstream literary world. In India, there are a plethora of talented writers but they don’t get that recognition that they actually deserve, the sole reason behind this is the monopoly of some publications and writers and platforms, LaFictioner is here to break all these hierarchies by providing the platform to those who deserve and introducing the readers of India with the untouched content of the literature world. 


 LaFictioner is an online community. As a literary arts platform, we are aiming to create a resource for artists. We believe that everyone who writes has a space on the internet. LaFiction allows you to create your online space without the hassle of owning and maintaining it.

  • We run a web portal for stories and poetry.
  • We support short-form content on our Instagram page. 
  • YouTube is one of the ways we diversify our content.

Our community thrives on the support we receive from the community.

So what are you waiting for? Tell us your story and become an evergreen partner of an evergreen community.

Content We Provide

LaFiction provides you tons of variety that you can choose from our shelves, The list is given below:
  1. Novels
  2. Short Stories
  3. Poems
  4. Sketches
  5. Plays
  6. Audio Books
  7. Comics
  8. Sarcastic Articles.


Our Team

Deepankar Singh

Writer turned Editor. Capitalist by nature, socialist by deeds. I have worked for several startups and content management agencies like Collegetips, Arc Digital Teamtechnocrunch.


Tushar Tantwa

I am a practical digital marketer, contributing to the space of literary art. Web designer, writer, poet, story teller and almost everything at LaFictioner.


Abhishek Sharma

I am a management student. My lust for social media attraction got me to LaFictioner. I manage the facebook page as well as edit podcasts and youtube videos at LaFictioner.


Nihaal Agarwal

I am one of the Co-Founder of LaFictioner. I manage the PR section. Book rectification and publication, merchandise management are some of my responsibilities.


Armaan Nazeer

I belong to the sarcastic breed of homo-sapiens, pursuing graduation from National P.G. My job is to fill the canvas of thoughts with combination of the 26 alphabets.

Alok Pandey

Alok Pandey

I am a H.R Manager at LaFictioner. Entrepreneur, can't count myself into writers but I am a good story teller. I work in organising page content, events, podcast and competitions at Lafictioner.

Rohit Singh. Lafictioner

Rohit Singh

My love for literature brings me here. An graduate who speaks less but sarcasm. More than a helping hand to Lafictioner.

Ishita Singh. Lafictioner

Ishita Singh

I am one of the member of  LaFictioner. Illustrator cum graphic designer.“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way—things I had no words for.

Sneha Singh. Lafictioner

Sneha Singh

An graduate who loves to play with words. An individual who learns to write poems from dealing with past experiences.

Anisha Jalathota. Lafictioner

Anisha Jalathota

Writer at LaFictioner. Enthusiastic, Optimistic and humoristic. A storyteller. Novice with a knack for writing. Love books, music and movies.

Satvik Gupta. Lafictioner

Satvik Gupta

Enthusiastic teenager pursuing my BBA 1st year. Directing and Writing are my two passion. I have given upon one that is why I am pursuing the other, that is writing.

Adelaide Wolfe

Adelaide Wolfe

I am one of the member of LaFictioner. Writing is what I love to do and music is the inspiration behind some of my writing. I'm currently working on my first novel, Polar Love.

Tanya Soni

I'm one of the writing enthusiasts at LaFictioner. My love for jotting my thoughts on paper to sharing it on websites dragged me here. I'm inclined at carving my emotions into the reader's heart.

Mansi Saxena Lafictioner

Mansi Saxena

A passionate individual whose sole purpose is to bring the mind ideas into creative and lively writings. My love and enthusiasm for writing brings me here to work with lafictioner.

Jyoti Singh

Jyoti Singh

I'm a student pursuing Linguistics and French language from UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW. I love to express myself with creativity and I hope to share that with others .

Saumya Agarwal | Lafictioner

Saumya Agarwal

I am responsible for molding words in such a way that bundle of traffic can come anyhow. I am pursuing graduation from Delhi University. My profile in Lafictioner is of an Intern in the field of content writing.