Ways to Publish Your Book.
Why stop there if you are a writer, have a pretty impressive creative flow, and are confident about your script? Publish your book easily today. 2022 has set new milestones in book publishing. No matter the genre you write, you will always find a way to publish and your place in today’s market. Even though the market is fierce and the competition is brutal, publishing has become easier with the right marketing skills. Let us see what book publishing looks like in 2022!
Traditional Publishing
One of the oldest methods in book publishing is traditional publishing. The process is quite simple; you write a script, edit it enough times, and send it to publishing companies suitable for you. If they are interested, they will contact you. They will also help you with editing, designing, launching and marketing. Publishing companies or literary agents already have contacts with distributors and are familiar with copyright and legal services.
Traditional publishing sounds hassle-free for the author, but remember that you will lose some ownership and control of your book. Not all book publishers work the same way, so if you are an author looking for a book publisher, you need to be fully prepared with a script and have a good book proposal. It’s a win-win for the author and the publisher if and only your work is extraordinary and promises to be number one. Otherwise, the publishing companies’ amount you get paid for your book might feel ridiculously low.
Self-publishing – Do it Yourself
Self-publishing contrast to traditional publishing, is stressful for authors. Authors get full control over the complete process. The process involves finishing your script, editing, formatting, designing a book cover, finding a book printing business, and a marketing strategy. You might also need to connect with distributors and familiarise yourself with copyright and legal requirements.
It sounds like a lot of pressure. But suppose you dedicate yourself to becoming a successful author and not just writing as a hobby. In that case, you might enjoy the process as you get a say in every part of publishing. It is essential to invest a lot of time and cost. Hence, it is suggestible to get your priorities straight, organise your tasks, and plan and schedule them, so they don’t overlap with your daily tasks. Having a financial strategy, marketing plan, and legal team is advisable.
Self-publishing – Independent Contractors
Sometimes, even if you want to self-publish, you might not have the time and finances to do everything yourself. It is where independent contractors come in. they offer a wide range of services. Their packages include only book printing services, editing, designing and printing, distributing and marketing, and more. You can also hire contractors for individual tasks, like an editor, graphic designer, distributor, legal team, marketers, and a public relations manager.
This method can take off a ton of work from an author’s hands and let them concentrate more on what’s important to them. But it is a hassle to hire independent contractors and keep track of their work. It is essential to have good financial and management skills for this method to be successful, as you will primarily be negotiating in terms of time and cost with freelancers.
Self-publishing – Online Retailers
One of the advantages of the internet is unlimited access to millions of books – be it free or paid. Online websites have made it easier for authors to publish their work and get copyrights. There are many online platforms for you to post your e-book.
Online websites and online retailers can also help with book publishing. Online retailers take you through the step-by-step process of uploading your work on their websites. You need to have the title, cover, description and keywords prepared. And then, upload your manuscript, mark a suitable price for your book, and publish it.
Always read the terms and conditions no matter the publishing form you choose. Have more than two options and choose the most suitable one for you. Remember that publishing companies or online platforms work uniquely. Make sure you revise your manuscript, fill the gaps, and edit and format it before submitting the final draft. It is also advisable to join a writing community. Ask friends, family, fellow writers, readers or anyone else’s reviews you trust to read your book and give feedback.
Self-publishing Websites
Few self-publishing companies include
Kindle by Amazon – https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/
iBooks by Apple – https://www.apple.com/in/apple-books/
Smashwords – https://www.smashwords.com/
Wattpad – https://www.wattpad.com/
Traditional Book Publishers in India
Some of the notable book publishers in India are
Jaico – http://www.jaicobooks.com/j/j_home.asp
Aleph book company – https://www.alephbookcompany.com/
Rupa Books – https://rupapublications.co.in/
Roli Books – https://rolibooks.com/
Garuda Prakashan – https://garudabooks.com/
The latest book publishers include start-ups like
Lafictioner – https://lafictioner.com/
Pencil – https://thepencilapp.com/publish
Pratilipi – https://www.pratilipi.com/
BlueRose Publishers – https://bluerosepublishers.com/
StoryMirror – https://storymirror.com/
Overview of the Publishing Process
It is essential to know for an author what the publishing process involves.
- Writing a book is the first step; once you finish your script and title, consider that 75% of the work required to publish your book is complete.
- The next step is to get an ISBN for your book. It is a thirteen-digit unique identification number marked on a printed copy of a book. If you chose to publish your book online, you wouldn’t require an ISBN.
- Get copyright for your book, and you have the sole ownership of selling your book.
- Although everyone is familiar with book cover design, they tend to leave out the book’s interior design. If you are writing a novel, you might not have to invest as much time in it as graphic novels or comics. But remember that interior design can sometimes attract readers more than the book cover.
- If you publish an e-book, it is crucial to format it per the online platform’s terms and conditions. If you choose traditional publishing, find a suitable book publishing house.
- Cover copy is as important as the book cover. The book cover mainly covers the front portion of your book. Whereas a cover copy, mainly on the back of your book, introduces the main characters, primarily two or three of them, or gives an idea of the plot of the story to curb enthusiasm in your reader.
- The next step involves distribution for print formats as well as digital formats. Digital distribution has become easy, with many resources available online in 2022. Print format distributors are picky and must be convinced to take on your book. It helps to have contacts with a few readily agreeable distributors on hand.
- You would need a good book printing store if you decided to sell your book as a hardcover or paperback. There are plenty of book printing & binding stores online as well.
- Royalties depend on your book’s net sales, and it is essential to keep track to understand your earnings. Know the market average for paperbacks and keep a record of your book sales.
- Learn about social media marketing. It is advisable to hire a public relations manager to manage your public image as an author and that of your books.
- Book launch events, reading events and interviews about you and your work are required to be held for promotions.
Remember that parts of the above or the whole process might take longer than you think. Hence it is essential to be patient. Trust the process!